Tax Disputes
All kinds of transaction and operation of firms has a financial aspect and it causes diversion in tax application and differences in interpretation of tax .
Tax regulations and secondary regulation could not prepared in a detailed way so there could be differences in interpretation of tax practises, we face with these differences as a tax diputes.
Differences may occur between taxpayer and Administration or Administrative and Judicial Bodies. In our country, Tax Administration do not change its criticism accordance with Judicial Bodies decisions, this situation lead to criticise of Administration decision and applying to Judicial ways. At this point, taxpayers, who do not know Judicial criticism, may become an aggrieved.
As Vezin, serving solution to tax disputes is one of our main services. Tax Disputes has two solutions which are administrative and judicial aspects.
The services for administrative solution aspects to tax dispute are listed below;
- Asking opinion from Administration and assesment of these opinions in the case of realization a hesitate in tax legislation,
- Applying Administration to appeal, if necessary applying higher authority,
- Consultancy intended for tax inspecitons, assisting for preparing documents which tax inspectors demand, joining the meeting with tax inpectors, and preparing other requied documents,
- In the reconcialiton issues, applying commissions before or after assesment, joining commission meetings,